Hands on Review – Kaiweets KT360A Green Multi 360 Line Laser Level

November 17, 2021
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Kaiweets KT360A 360 3d Multi Cross Line Laser review

A Review of the Kaiweets KT360A Multi 360 Line Laser

Kaiweets Green 360 Line Laser

The Kaiweets KT360A is a multi 360 Line Laser that produces a horizontal 360-degree line and two vertical 360 lines.  Providing 6 crosses in total one on all four walls of a square room plus a floor and ceiling cross.  All these lines mean that you can level, vertical-align, square, and plumb floor to ceiling.  There are countless numbers of lasers for sale with this configuration.  So what is different about the Kaiweets KT360A if anything?

The following is my honest review of this product based on my many years of working with laser levels of all styles and brands.  For full transparency, and disclosure this particular laser level was provided to me by Kaiweets for the purpose of this review.  However, I stress that this is NOT a paid review.

What’s included with the KT360A

Kaiweets 360 line laser level bag Kaiweets KA360 accessories

The KT360A is packaged like many on the market in a well-padded soft carry case and includes a number of accessories.  Included is a magnetic base, 2x Li-ion rechargeable batteries, Green Laser Target, and Charging USB cable and charger.

The Kaiweets is unusual in that it provides two generously sized 3.6V 7.8Ah full Li-ion battery packs.  The vast majority of the competition will supply just one.  The batteries feature a USB C power input which means that they can be charged by any USB outlet of 2000mA or more.  Included is not only the USB A to USB C cable but also a mains power USB adapter.  The benefit of having two batteries that are charged directly into the battery is that you can use one whilst charging the other.  So charging is very flexible although, myself, I would have also liked to have had the option to use standard “AA” batteries as well, for ultimate flexibility.

Dual batteries Kaiweets


The Kaiweets 360 laser features three full 360-degree lines and these can be powered up individually with the left function button on the side of the unit.  To power up first you need to unlock the pendulum by sliding the lock switch to the right.  When you first power up the horizontal illuminates, the first press turns off the horizontal and powers up one of the verticals.  Second press powers up the second vertical providing a floor and ceiling square.  The third press activates one vertical and the horizontal and the fourth illuminates all lines simultaneously.

Comparing the brightness and crispness of the laser lines over various distances I’ve found them to be just as good or slightly better as other offerings on the market.

The second function button on the right enables pulse mode allowing the laser to be used with an optional electronic line receiver or detector.  When you have finished your job lock the pendulum to power off.

This laser level includes a pendulum lick.  I personally prefer a laser of this type to have a pendulum lock as it means there is less stress going through the bearing assembly and pendulum.  Particularly when in transit or if it gets dropped when not in use.  Some power tool brands do not have a pendulum lock.  Also, the slide lock switch on the Kaiweets is very sturdy compared to some other brands I’ve used.

More Features

As with most lasers of this type, the Kaiweets feature an out-of-level alarm.  This alerts the user that the laser level is outside of its self-leveling range.  The KT360A does this by flashing the laser lines.  Other models will also include an audible alarm, it’s not a deal-breaker, but personally, I would prefer an audible alarm as well.

control panel Kaiweets

The KT360A can be mounted onto a tripod if required and the unit features both 5/8″ survey thread and 1/4″ camera tripod thread.  The unit can also be operated in manual mode, this allows you to set the laser line at whatever angle you place it in.  For example, installing stairs, etc.  To achieve this you will need to press and hold the left function button for over 3 seconds WITHOUT unlocking the pendulum.  Ideally, it will be best to use a tripod with a pan-tilt head.

Kaiweets manual mode

Build Quality

The KT360A by Kaiweets feels exceptionally well built.  The housing is of thick plastic and has generous amounts of rubber over the top.  The laser output covers are made of a heavy grade metal alloy which is much stronger than the plastic covers found on many lasers at this price point.  The output cover will protect the glass and most importantly the cone prism underneath in the event of a drop.  There is one downside to the strength of these covers and that is the supports are on the corners are fairly wide which means you will get larger shadowed dark areas on the laser line.  But, saying that I would probably prefer the stronger cover.

Kaiweets Green 360 Line Laser

Under the Skin KT360A

Digging underneath the casing reveals a substantial self-leveling bearing assembly.  The quality of the bearing determines how accurately the laser can be calibrated.  I tested the calibration accuracy of the Kaiweets KT360A and found this example to be well within tolerance.  The stated tolerance for this model is +/- 0.3mm/m or in other words +/- 3mm over 10m.  This is about normal for this type of laser and price point.  A laser of a higher cost may have a rating of +/- 2mm at 10m for comparison.  As mentioned this example was well within that tolerance.  I tested the consistency of accuracy at the edges of the self-leveling range and did see some variance but still within tolerance.  this is pretty normal for a laser with a small bearing assembly like this.

KT360A Inside Bearing Kaiweets KT360A Calibration and Repair

The cast metal bearing assembly is mounted on what looks like white nylon struts which do look a little flimsy.  But, saying this, if it is nylon it should be strong enough and have enough flex to handle a drop.  Some more expensive units will have steel or cast metal struts.  The Kaiweets does not have external access for re-calibration in the event that it needs it after a drop or over time.  As someone who calibrates lasers having access to the calibration screws without removing the casing is quicker.  Saying this the casing comes off this unit pretty easily and there is good access to calibrate.  Some major power tool brands are far harder to access.

Kaiweets Specifications

I’ve talked about accuracy already but it’s worth talking about some of this laser’s other specifications.  The Laser diodes themselves are class 2 output of <1mw.  These laser diodes are the superior more expensive OSRAM diodes.  Most laser brands in this price point including the Huepar 603CG I reviewed recently have the cheaper China Diode.  From personal experience, I’ve found the OSRAM green diode to be far more reliable over time than the Chinese green diode.  The stated range is 30m which is about right in low light conditions.  Of course, as with all laser levels, visibility is not guaranteed outside in the full sun.  The Kaiweets does feature pulse mode which allows it to be used with the Kaiweets line receiver.  With the receiver, you should get at least 30m if not more in any lighting conditions.

Operating times using the Li-ion battery packs are stated as between 70hrs and 25hrs.  The time is depending on how many lines are powered up (both battery packs).  I haven’t done a full test on battery longevity but from what I have tested I would believe these figures.  This is not of huge importance anyway as you have got two packs so can charge one while using the other.  On the subject of battery and charging.  The battery has LED power indicators on them.  This provides plenty of warning as the battery runs down.  Again not a feature you find on many other 3D 360 type laser levels.

Conclusions Kaiweets KT360A

Overall I have found this 3D 360 laser level by Kaiweets to be a well-designed, well-featured, and well-priced option.  Not many models offer this sort of build quality at this price.  The big positives for me are two batteries, sturdy construction, OSRAM diodes.  My negatives are; no standard battery holder, no audible out of level alarm, and no external access to re-calibration.

If you are looking for a laser level of this type and price point then the Kaiweets KT360A is well worth considering.

You can also watch the video review.

If you are interested in purchasing, you can click on one of the links below.  If you do decide to buy from one of these links then the Laser Level Review may receive a small commission.  This helps with the costs of running this site.

You can purchase directly from the Kaiweets store using the link below. Remember to use the Discount and Free Shipping Codes for possible discount and free shipping bonus.



Buy Kaiweets KT360A 3D Multi Line Laser

PURCHASE HERE Use Discount Code; LLR10 for a possible DISCOUNT.  Also in regions currently without FREE shipping you can additionally use the following code to get possible FREE shipping; TRR4CZ6ZQZ5H.   Note: Discounts and Free shipping at the discretion of Kaiweets and may not be available in all regions and at time of order.



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Laser Level Review