Calibration Guide – Geo Fennel FL 260VA

April 5, 2023
Geo Fennel
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Calibration Guide Geo Fennel FL 260 VA rotating laser level

Calibration of the Geo Fennel FL 260VA and Similar models

The following is a calibration guide for the Geo Fennel FL260VA Rotating Laser although the instructions may also be relevant to similar models.  Included will be the procedure to enter calibration mode, make adjustments to both X and Y axis, save settings, and exit mode.

A big thanks goes out to Klemen for first of all asking if I had the correct procedure for this model and for then finding and confirming the correct procedure.

The Geo Fennel FL 260VA is an electronic self-levelling rotating laser with dual grade and horizontal and vertical modes.  The FL260VA is designed for general site leveling and grade setting, once you have placed it on a tripod you simply press the red power button and it levels and starts to rotate.  The Geo Fennel lasers are nicely manufactured with high quality components and are sold mainly within Europe.

Geo Fennel FL260 rotary laser level calibration guide

So you have checked the calibration of your laser and have found that it needs recalibration.  The first thing to know is which axis needs adjustment.  The image below indicates the direction of the X and Y axis.  Happily with the Geo Fennel FL 260 the axis direction are pressed into the rubber top housing.

Calibration axis geo fennel FL260VA

Calibration Method Geo Fennel FL260

To enter calibration mode the laser will need to be in a powered-off state.  Then on the laser press the “MAN” button (center top) and then the “POWER” button simultaneously, then let go of the “POWER” button whist still holding the “MAN” button. After a few seconds the LED lights on the laser control panel will flash  indicating that the laser level is in calibration mode.  If this is not the case turn off and try again.

Geo febnnel control panel FL260 VA

Now using the remote control pull down the battery cover to expose the calibration keys.  Select the axis you wish to calibrate with the “X/Y” button you will see the ‘X’ or “Y” LED on the laser control panel light up.  Adjust the height of the rotating beam with the “up” and “down” arrow buttons  on the calibration section of the remote.  If the laser needs a lot of adjustment press and hold the up or down key for multiple beeps.

Geo Fennel remote for laser calibration

Once you have the laser at the height that you have determined to be correct for the selected axis save the results into the laser levels memory by pressing the “ENT” button on the remote calibration section.

HINT: I have found turning the laser off and then repeating the process for the other axis works best.  This is apposed to jumping straight into calibrating the other axis without first powering down.

Conclusions Calibrating the FL 260VA

As always the Laser Level Review does not take any responsibility for your actions whilst using our guide.  If you are at all unsure do not attempt to re-calibrate and send it to a laser level service centre.

Had experience with this model? and have anything to add please comment below.

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