Calibration Guide for the Huepar RL200 range plus CPI400 and Pinpoint P500 and more rotary Laser Level

March 3, 2021
Calibration Guide
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Huepar Pinpoint CPI Rotary Laser Calibration Guide

Calibration Guide for the Huepar Rotary Laser RL200 Range, CPI400 Range, Pinpoint P500 range, and other brands of the same appearance

Huepar rotary laser level calibration guide

Huepar RL200HR

CPI400R or CPI400G rotating laser level


The following is a calibration guide for the Huepar rotary laser level.  These laser levels are manufactured by the Fukuda laser company in China and are sold under a number of brands across the globe.  Probably the biggest being Huepar where their model numbers are the RL200HR and RL200HG (horizontal only in Red or Green), RL200HVR, and RL200HVG (horizontal and vertical in Red or Green).  Other brands are the CPI400R and CPI400G, also, the PinpointP500 amongst others.

These models share pretty much the same internal mechanism as the Fukuda FRE203 and FRE301 builds and so calibration is very similar.  See the guide to these models HERE

To calibrate these lasers you will either need or ideally use a remote control unit.  Not all these models will have been supplied with a remote.  The remote required is pretty generic from the Fukuda factory so if you have a similar looking remote then it will most likely work.

generic Fukuda Laser remote control

To be able to calibrate you will also need to know the axis “X” and “Y” this will be marked on the top housing on most laser levels.  If not the image below should help.

Huepar CPI Pinpoint Rotary Laser calibration axis


To enter calibration mode for X axis (axis is often indicated on the top of the laser housing) first you press the Power button on the laser level to power up as normal.  Then, once powered up, press and hold the “Up” and “Down” arrow buttons for 3 seconds on the remote or keypad if available, the left LED light should now flash indicating it’s in calibration mode for the X axis.  To adjust the height of the beam on this axis press the “Left” and “Right” arrow buttons.  If your model does not have these arrow keys then you will need a compatible remote control, note this is not always supplied with the laser level.  To save the new X axis level press and hold the “Up” and “Down” arrow buttons until the left LED light stops blinking.

It’s often worth powering down the laser and then powering up again.  Then checking that this new height has been saved before moving onto the next axis.


For Y axis power up the laser once more as normal.  Then when powered up, press and hold the “Left” and “Right” arrow buttons until the right LED light flashes.  Use the “Up” and “Down” arrow keys to shift the height of the Y axis beam until it is at the correct level.  Then to save this new height press and hold the “Left” and “Right” arrow keys until the right LED light stocks blinking.

This method should be good for all the above models and more.  I, however,  have not personally tried all of them.

As always the Laser Level Review accepts no responsibility for any mishaps made by yourself when using this guide.  If you are not confident about calibrating your laser then please use a laser calibration specialist.  The main thing you need to know and be confident in is what the correct calibration should be.  This guide purely looks at the process of entering calibration mode and how to make and save adjustments.  The guide does not indicate how much you need to adjust and in what direction, this is something that will need to be determined for your particular device.

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